Orthodontic Treatment
What is Orthodontic Treatment?
Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that adjusts the crowded teeth and discordant jaw relations with the use of several apparatus. Orthodontic treatment is performed during the period of milk teeth, to eliminate the problems related to finger sucking and lip eating habits. With orthodontic treatment, any potential permanent defect in the skeletal structure of the jawbone would be prevented. The mixed dentition period is also treated within the scope of orthodontics. During this period, both milk teeth and permanent teeth is present in the mouth. Stenosis occurs due to premature loss of milk teeth and the lack of guidance for the growth of the continuous tooth from the bottom. Orthodontics is concerned with the elimination of these malocclusions. At the same time, the development of the jaw continues in this period. The discordancy between lower and upper jaw, resulting from the development, is also within the scope of orthodontics. During permanent denitition, orthodontics is concerned with the correction of irregularities along the line of teeth. The treatment of defects due to gum disease or missing teeth are also included in the scope of orthodontics.
Before starting orthodontic treatment, any presence of tooth decay and gum disease should be treated. Oral hygiene should be cared for during the treatment of fixed or removable orthodontics, regardless of which. If the removable orthodontic apparatus is used, the apparatus should be removed after meals and followed by brushing the teeth. The hygiene of the orthodontic apparatus should be attended to the same extent.

Fixed braces are very prone to the accumulation of food residues. Therefore, by using an orthodontic toothbrush after meals, the food residues between the brackets and the wires should be cleaned carefully. If oral hygiene is neglected, dental caries and gum problems would become inevitable.
The treatment of orthodontics is long-lasting and monthly check-ups are required. Therefore, the individual should be willing to undergo the orthodontic treatment and should not miss their regular appointments. If any kind of fracture, rupture, or dislocation occur on the orthodontic apparatus, an orthodontics specialist should be consulted without delay to avoid adverse effects on the treatment.
Reinforcement treatment is very important in orthodontics. In order to maintain the position of the teeth, reinforcement treatment must follow.
The material provided on this webpage only holds informative purposes. Hence, it should not be used to replace any medical diagnosis or treatment provided directly by the patient’s dentist.